

Deciding on the best marketing mix can be a difficult one. It is important to have a good grasp of your target audience and what they’re expecting from you. You need to know where they are and how to reach them. Should you start small or go big? Is a TV commercial during the Big Game really what you need? Or would a more modest and targeted approach be more effective?




Menu MaltShop Marketing Shreveport Louisiana

At Maltshop Marketing, we like to take a simple step-by-step approach.
Think of it as building a sundae.

  1. get your glass.

    We will delve into what you have done with your marketing efforts up to this point and what your brand value is. Then we’ll discuss what your goals are and where you want to go. Think of it as us helping you decide which new flavor you want to try.

Poached Eggs with Skillet Toast
Cauliflower and Kale Soup

2. pick your flavors.

Next, we will develop a plan, which will include precisely what placements we intend to use and how we’ll evaluate the work. This step is related to making a decision on exactly what flavor you want to be the base of that sundae.


Then we sprinkle on the creative! Do we need to update the original art in your ads or build a microsite? Maybe we need to expand your social or traditional media presence? We are going to add all of those fantastic toppings: whipped cream, nuts, sprinkles, fruit, chocolate or caramel sauce, etc.

Charred Corn Salad with Creamy Lime Dressing
Menu_Milkshake_4 MaltShop Marketing Shreveport Louisiana


How did we do it? Did we achieve the desired results? Was it everything your tastebuds were hoping for? If our plan sounds simple and straightforward but in-depth at the same time, that’s because it is! We want your marketing plan and advertising campaigns to be simple but yield significant results!