Building Customer Relationships

As we are less than a month away from celebrating our first official business year, I must say it has been a whole journey. Erin and I have learned so much within a time like this. From handling business through a pandemic, project management to adding team members, and working multiple jobs — we can say that we have SEEN and DONE it all. Haha! 

But in all fairness, we would not be where we are if it was not for the keen clientele and relationships that we have built with them. One of the key values at Maltshop the team always wants to live by is building open & honest relationships. It is vital to communicate proactively and effectively because this will instill confidence within the client that we are aware of their needs and bring their visions to life. What does it take for companies to make these kinds of relationships, and why is it important? 

  1. Networking & Connections: Maintaining good customer relationships can help your business with any link-ups. Whether your client is attending a social gathering, grocery shopping, or going to work, there is a possibility your client will recommend your business to a friend/associate due to the kind service they received from you. Satisfying one client leads to free advertisement because they will 99.9% tell someone else. 

  2. Communicate Regularly: Consistency. Create a habit of good communication with your clientele. Schedule those regular check-ins, respond to their emails, and answer phone calls because it will go a long way. One of the most popular forms of communication today is through social media. Interact with them on their pages (only if it is appropriate). 

  3. Securing Your Customer Base: In the creative field, the industry is a very competitive place. Practically any business out there has at least one competitor. Luckily for you, if you continue to interact with your customers and provide their needs quickly but effectively, you have developed a strong customer relationship. The loyalty stands, and they will buy from you no matter what.

  4. Strengthening the Company's Brand: Everyone deserves respect, but with your clients, they get special treatment. It is always the small gestures that will stick with them for long periods. Whether it is a thank you card, a small bag of goodies, or a company shirt, your business will show evidence that you care about their satisfaction. Stick to it.

See? That wasn't so bad. If you ever get discouraged, remember that word of mouth will forever be the top form of advertising regardless of what technology or other trends come about. It is smarter to have more friends in your corner than enemies. When the competitors try to take you down, your customers will stay by your side and maintain loyalty.