Create Yourself, For Yourself... (And Your Audience)
Are you starting your own business or an organization? Congratulations, you are officially beginning your journey of success. Now let's get down to the good stuff — branding. It can be a plate of creative processes or a bowl of disaster with a pinch of stress. All in all, branding is the first step to building your personality so you can emotionally reach your potential clients and give the external and internal values you need. So let's get started. Grab a bowl.
The first thing you are going to add is a name. When developing a name for a business or an organization, set some priorities. Make sure it is appealing to you and your customers. It should convey a message and differentiate you from the competition. Test the title out and make sure it is available for you to use. Now, let's add a tagline in there. It is a statement that is memorable and meaningful that captures the essence of your brand.
Next, we are going to add sprinkles of color and pour a logo design in there. These are two key components in your process because you are going to place this EVERYWHERE. It gives your company identity. In the words of famous art director and graphic designer Paul Rand, "a logo does not sell (directly), it identifies." So make sure the logo is good so the company can make a great first impression.
Third, we are going to add our marketing presence. It is the final step to add in your branding mix before your customers get a taste. You want to set the right tone and attract the right customers for your services or products. The first portion of the marketing presence is the website, email address, stationery, brochure, and business card. Make sure the logo is on all of these prominent marketing tools. Be consistent. Continue by creating accounts on social media platforms. Finish off with traditional marketing by visiting people, networking, and blogging daily. Be true to your brand because you want customers to return and refer you to others.
Lastly, mix all of your ingredients together. Pour your brand in the pan and let it bake for a while. Once your cake is ready, it is time for the launch. Remember, your brand is a reflection of who you are and what you stand for. Now let's eat.